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Convert2Media – A Network With Balls

Convert2Media is a newish network on the scene but is run by industry veteran Ruck formerly from  His blog used to rock and now his network does too.  Ruck sent out an interesting email today to all of his affiliates:

Morning C2M,

I wanted to drop a note that Convert2Media is not going
to be dealing with Email Submits for now on. Seriously,
they are the biggest headache in the world. From Advertisers
and Agencies scrubbing to the offers just stop converting for
odd reasons, we are doing away with them.

The retarded part of all this is when this stuff gets pulled uneducated
affiliates assume and place the blame on C2M. A little clarity here, if
you dont get paid, we dont get paid. Plain and simple.

I will put up a more detailed response for anyone that may
want more clarification on this in the forum but for right now,
please pull all email submit offer links immediately. I’m seriously
sick of the bullshit we have to deal with and more importantly
that these offers have so many flaws that providers of these
offers have a number of options to screw you out of money.

The buck stops now with Email Submits. Until I can find a solid
provider or someone different out there that will actually respond
to customer service, we just arent going to deal with it.

Please pull all email submit links immediately.


Some people may think a move like this is crazy considering the shear volume that can be generated through email submits.  I think this move solidifies why Convert2Media is going to be the network to watch in 2009 and beyond.  Ruck is not just some suit sitting in an office trying to run a corporation.  Ruck was a top affiliate who knows what it’s like to be in our shoes.  By removing email submits from the network he is doing something that not many other networks do.  PROTECT THEIR AFFILIATES.

I’ve personally generated huge volume on email submits but they are the sketchiest offers on any affiliate network.  Email submits are scrubbed and shaved to hell.  Some are so blatently obvious that they rob affiliates blind.  I think that more networks should take convert2Medias lead and either ban email submits OR be damn sure that they aren’t participating in shady tactics. Yes, there is a lot of affiliate fraud on email submits, but if you are paying an affiliate to generate a lead which is defined as the user entering their email address, thats what they should be paid on, REGARDLESS OF QUALITY.  As an email submit advertiser, if you don’t like the quality you should ban the affiliate from promoting your offer, not steal their traffic.

If your not already an affiliate of Convert2Media, join now.  You won’t regret it.

Ad Hustler

Published inAd NetworksAffiliate Marketing


  1. I agree 100%

    At Wickedfire Ruck went into great lengths back in October to lay it out how to promote these types of offers.

    I mean come on typically the payout is $1-$1.75 and it is in exchange for an e-mail.

    We had a few affiliates sending “questionable” leads and at the time we removed both the affilates sending the traffic and the advertisers offers.

    We’ve not gone completely the way Ruck has, but we watch this closely and may follow suit if we have the same thing happen again.

  2. Ad Hustler Ad Hustler

    @Jim – True, good approach you’ve taken.

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